Advent, Week 3 God’s promise is to make all things new, especially when what is happening is all things bad. Through sending Jesus as Messiah, Father God has done this—and through His Spirit, Father God continues to bring beauty out of ashes, joy out of mourning. Key...
Advent, Week 2 God’s comfort for dealing with what is wrong in life comes when we acknowledge that our own sin has contributed to our misery. God’s made a way out of this “wilderness” through His Son Jesus and Jesus in us gives us strength for all of life’s journey....
Advent, Week 1 The prophet pleads for God to reveal Himself in power to the nations. But the judgment of God asked for, Isaiah sees, is needed just as much for God’s people. We all need God’s grace, and when we seek His grace, He changes us like a potter changes...
God’s love has no boundaries—anyone who has true faith will be brought into God’s family. Key Verse: When we heard of it, our hearts melted in fear and everyone’s courage failed because of you, for the Lord your God is God in heaven...