

Joel 2:28-29 Today is Pentecost, 50 days after we have celebrated the resurrection of Jesus. On Pentecost God poured out His Promised Holy Spirit on those who believed in Jesus, with no restriction. This pouring of the Spirit still continues today. View the full...

My Soul Pants for You [Thanksgiving]

Psalm 42 Thanksgiving is the day we focus on giving thanks to God. We bless Him for the many good things He has given us–can we also give thanks when we find ourselves in difficult times? View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...

The Gospel

Isaiah 55:1-5 We celebrate our discipleship emphasis over the past 9 months. Our Bible passage says that following God with all our heart is like eating at the best banquet ever. And the banquet is not only for us, but for all who would come and see. View the full...

Telling Our Story

Acts 28:31 We’ll be learning to share our 30-second or our 2-minute story of God at work for us. While we may not be as bold as the Apostle, we can tell our story of what Jesus has done for us, whether that be for our salvation, guiding us in life’s troubled times, or...

Holy Spirit Living [Part 2]

2 Peter 1:3-11 Living a Christian life is not a matter of willpower and self-effort, but it is tied to being connected to the Holy Spirit. We radically invest in what the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives, and when we do, He turns us into people who radically love....

Holy Spirit Living [Part 1]

2 Peter 1:3-11 Living a Christian life is not a matter of willpower and self-effort, but it is tied to being connected to the Holy Spirit. He brings the radical change in all areas of our life that we need. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...