
Jacob—Birthrights and Rights

Genesis 25:29-34; 27:5-10 After humanity’s fall in the Garden of Eden, God chose to rescue humanity by focusing on one family to reach the world—the family that would come through Abraham. Through Abraham’s line will come Jesus—the Messiah King. Jacob, Abraham’s...

Jacob—Beginning & Continuing

Genesis 25:20-34 Genesis begins with humanity deciding to rebel against God through sin. God chooses to rescue and redeem fallen humanity by focusing on one family through whom He will bring hope and salvation—Abraham. Jacob, a grandson of Abraham, is part of that...

The Cost

Luke 9:57-62 “To grow is to change.” The call of Jesus to follow Him demands change on our part. His call is more radical than we want it to be because the change He asks for takes control of our life out of our hands and completely into His hands. View the full...

Lose to Gain

Colossians 3:1-11 Paul speaks positively of the Colossian Christians’ faith, love, and hope (1:4-5) and acknowledges that the Good News is bearing fruit and growing in them (1:6). However, Epaphras has apparently brought Paul news of serious problems at...

The Soils

Mark 4:2-9, 13-20 What Jesus offers far exceeds our wildest expectations. The condition of one’s heart (responding or refusing the gospel of grace) determines the growth of the spiritual seed and the success or failure of the harvest. This talk concluded with a time...