

I Timothy 6:17-18; Mark 12:41-44 God calls us to be open-handed: generous with our money and talents and time; in this we imitate God’s generosity towards us in the gift of Jesus. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Neil...

God of the Disposable

Genesis 21:8-21 We live in a society that loves to throw people away. But sometimes, one person’s trash turns out to be God’s treasure. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, executive director of...

The Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37 The Bible teaches that the motivation to serve others, all others, selflessly is not from duty or guilt, but because of grace. Because of all that God has done for us, and it is all because of His grace, we are not free to pick and choose who we are to...

Worship & Service

Isaiah 6:1-8 Isaiah is given a glimpse into the majesty of God up in heaven, and the praise of angels to God because of His holiness. Viewing God as He truly is shouldn’t scare us but lead us into a deeper relationship. This depth is brought about by our confession of...

Better Together

1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Father God has created each person with gifts and passions to serve others, and with areas where each person needs to be helped and cared for. Jesus created the church so that all the people work together and fit as a united whole—where...