Let’s Move to the Other Side

Mark 4:35-40 It is important to advance the Kingdom of God in obedience to the Lord. (This talk is in Spanish, with English translation.) View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Robert Kennedy

Risking Realness

Matthew 22:37-40 We were meant to know and love, to be known and be loved. That’s the life to which He has called us—this is what we desperately need. When we shift from just fellowshipping to the risk of being known, we learn to truly love each other. View the full...

Beyond Friendliness

1 Corinthians 13:1-7 Some churches hold that all they need to be is friendly to others. While good, what the church needs to practice is true love. Love is concerned with all aspects of another person, while being friendly keeps interaction at the surface. Loving...

Telling Our Story

Acts 28:31 We’ll be learning to share our 30-second or our 2-minute story of God at work for us. While we may not be as bold as the Apostle, we can tell our story of what Jesus has done for us, whether that be for our salvation, guiding us in life’s troubled times, or...


Acts 2:42-47 The church, the brainchild of God, is intended to do more than inspire people—it is to grow people and help people grow people. In following the methods of Jesus, the early church focused on fellowship, on being together, as the primary way we care for...