Fully Better

Hebrews 8:1-13 Because of Jesus, we have access to what is better than what this world has to offer. Being the better high priest and offering a better sacrifice, we have access to a better life, a life that has its totality in Jesus. Why would we go back to anything...

Resurrection Day

Mark 16:1-8 The resurrection of Jesus is so profound, such a pivotal point in history, that because of it, everything is different. Because Jesus rose from the dead, He offers us a fresh start as He has the power to change everything. View the full service on our...

The Lamb of God

Exodus 12:1-6; John 1:29-31 At different times in our lives, we all need some sort of rescue. To “be saved” is to “be rescued.” The stories and ceremonies within the Old Testament all point towards the One and the way that Father God would provide rescue—through His...

Fully Sufficient

Hebrews 6:20-7:5, 9-10, 20-27 Just as we need mediators in many parts of our lives, we need a spiritual mediator to be the go-between between us and God. In Old Testament times, God provided the High Priest. Now, Jesus is the only High Priest we need to mediate on our...

Fully Anchored

Hebrews 6:1a, 4-8, 12-20 Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant. Fulfilling the requirements of every priest that ever existed, Jesus became the high priest (the one who offers the sacrifice), the altar (where the sacrifice is made), and the sacrifice...