Generosity in Tough Times

Habakkuk 3:17-19; Deuteronomy 26:1-11 It’s possible to have joy even when things in life are going wrong. When God is center in our lives, we always give Him our best, which is the principle of the Old Testament “Firstfruits.” So when God is first in our lives, even...

The Force of Generosity

2 Corinthians 8:8-15; 9:6-12 The Corinth church was well off and Paul was trying to raise a collection for the poor church in Jerusalem. Paul wants them to want to give generously but they seem unwilling from their heart to do so. Giving comes from joy that flows from...

Generosity’s Impact

Luke 18:18-30 Money, like other false gods, has the power to be our complete hope, meaning, and identity. In the story of the 2 rich young rulers, we see that a deepening knowledge and faith in the sacrifice of Jesus for us makes us more willing to give generously. In...