Jesus’ Family Tree

Matthew 1:1-17 Matthew writes that Jesus shot out of the finest heritage that any Jew could have. An offspring of Abraham, whose line was to be a blessing to the nations—and an offspring of David, whose line was to be king of Israel and the nations. And along the way,...
A Light Flashes

A Light Flashes

Isaiah 9:1-7 Isaiah, who prophesied hope, wrote of how God would bring His salvation to the world. It would be in an unexpected light—we know that light as Jesus. His light came in a way that was surprising, and equally surprising is for who this light of new life is...
A Light Flashes

A Hidden King

Matthew 2:13-15 While God revealed His Son to the sages and magicians from the East, Herod was lost in trying to find Him. Herod was disturbed about this “king.” Jesus would have been part of the genocide if not for God’s intervention with Joseph. Joseph leads his...
A Light Flashes

Surprisingly Close

Matthew 1:20-23 Matthew’s account of Joseph reveals that the coming of Messiah was even greater than what people could imagine from reading the prophets. Even though the Jews believed God was both personal and infinite, anytime anyone drew near to God in the Old...