Bear One Another’s Burdens

Galatians 6:1-10 In giving a picture of true love for one another, Jesus’ law of love includes carrying each other’s burdens—the church hasn’t always done this well—we can do this better. We need to get humanly close enough to see what those burdens are, and we have...

Serve One Another

Romans 12:1-13 When God calls us to draw near to Him, we don’t do so just by ourselves. His call is not just about a private commitment or faith, but to belong to others. He calls us to be a part of a rich family of intimacy and accountability. What we see in the...

Love One Another

John 13:31-35 It is often once a year (New Year’s) that we resolve to do better. Do typical resolutions help us to live better lives? What if Jesus was the one who influenced what our resolutions should be? Jesus’ last words on love is primary for all disciples. You...

Prayer Works

Matthew 6:9-13 Many people struggle with prayer—finding time, having variety, removing boredom, staying awake—why shouldn’t we struggle because prayer is the area that the evil one would most want to discourage us in. As we act on the truth that prayer draws us close...