The Resurrection

John 20:1-18 Jesus came to bring us new life through faith in Him. The evidence is there to show the belief in the resurrection is the most reasonable answer to the events of that day. The resurrection is not an abstract idea, but a personal invitation to come and...

Life Giver

John 11:1-7, 17-27 Jesus came to bring us new life through faith in Him. Our journey with Jesus is not just about the end—eternal life—but just as much about the now. How we live, following the values that shape us, and the glory of God that we seek to bring Him is...

The Hope of Revival

Acts 2:36b-41 Luke records in the book of the Acts of the Apostles the story of the first ever Revival in the New Testament Church. The revival birthed the Church 2000 years ago and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Since then God has...

Where’s the Milk?

Acts 1:1-11 In between the time of Jesus’ departure and His returning, we are called to all be witnesses.  God Himself, empowers us for that mission.  May we not get distracted by the things of this world and remember what we have been called to do. View the...

The Chosen Restorer

John 5:1-13 Jesus responds to a need of a person with a weakness, but it is not at the person’s request. Out of the compassion of His heart, Jesus gives life to one who is truly hopeless. Sin has so ruined the human heart that we’ve become grumbling, ungrateful...