A Call for Tenacious Faith (John 4:43-54)

A Call for Tenacious Faith (John 4:43-54)

Jesus brought in the Kingdom of God to bring restoration, healing, and grace to a broken world. All He asks for is faith—not a lot of faith, but a tenacious faith. Come to Him and He will make your faith grow. By Paul Sausser

2020 Vision for the New Year (Matthew 6:19-22; 31-34)

Photo by Andrea Davis on Unsplash As we look ahead to the new year 2020, we are encouraged to set new goals and resolutions to better ourselves. Today we are challenged to set Kingdom minded goals to seek God first in 2020, His Kingdom and His righteousness. By Mary...

Near to God

Why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer? Listen along as we walk through Psalm 73 with guest preacher Dr. Laura Smit. By Dr. Laura Smit

From Fear to Freedom (Mark 5:21-43)

Jesus deliberately halts his mission to draw attention to the woman held captive by the shame of her illness. Jesus stops to show the crowd and us that her shame (our shame) has been transformed by him in a way that sets the woman and us free. By Mike Hoogeboom, guest...

No Knowing, But Going (Genesis 12:1-4; Acts 20:17-24)

How can we go through uncertainties of our lives? As unfolded in his life, Abram embraced God’s radical command with an adult-like faith, moving beyond a child-like faith. In turn, God showed his faithfulness to Abram, fulfilling His unimaginable promises. By...