
The Holy Spirit and the Beloved Community: The Prequel

Acts 2:42-47 We will continue the theme of the work of the Holy Spirit in forming a welcoming and restorative community. Two weeks ago we looked at the unifying work of the Holy Spirit in the Ephesian church. This week we will step back and explore the genesis of this...

The Hope of Revival

Acts 2:36b-41 Luke records in the book of the Acts of the Apostles the story of the first ever Revival in the New Testament Church. The revival birthed the Church 2000 years ago and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Since then God has...

Where’s the Milk?

Acts 1:1-11 In between the time of Jesus’ departure and His returning, we are called to all be witnesses.  God Himself, empowers us for that mission.  May we not get distracted by the things of this world and remember what we have been called to do. View the...

Prayer Works

Matthew 6:9-13 Many people struggle with prayer—finding time, having variety, removing boredom, staying awake—why shouldn’t we struggle because prayer is the area that the evil one would most want to discourage us in. As we act on the truth that prayer draws us close...
God’s Design for Humanity

God’s Design for Humanity

Genesis 2:20-24, Song of Songs 1:1-4, 1 Corinthians 7 God’s Word reveals the gift of sexual love that finds its expression in the union of husband and wife. Yet, in our broken world filled with broken people, sin has affected all aspects of humanity’s being, including...