by meredith | Apr 21, 2019 | Fully Human Fully Divine
On Good Friday, we observed the death of Christ through a Tenebrae service. Today is Resurrection Day! Today we hold onto that hope of new life—we don’t hold on to the sadness. If you have faith, then you also have seen the risen Lord. In fact, you may still do your...
by meredith | Mar 24, 2019 | Fully Human Fully Divine
Lent: week 3 Jesus speaks about the urgent need for repentance. He used current events that the people were aware of as a reminder of everyone’s mortality. Only by God’s sheer grace and good patience are we given time to repent (but not forever). By Pastor Paul...
by meredith | Mar 17, 2019 | Fully Human Fully Divine
Lent: week 2 On His way to Jerusalem Jesus is interrupted by people who warn Him of Herod’s intent to kill Him. But Jesus is not concerned with Herod’s plans. Jesus knows He is going to die so He can bring us under the protection of His wings. By Pastor Paul...
by meredith | Mar 10, 2019 | Fully Human Fully Divine
Lent: week 1 The Spirit thrusts Jesus to the wilderness—there He meets temptation. Father God does not do the tempting—He provides the strength and the way to victory in it. How can we know that victory unless Father God has permitted the temptation to come? It is in...