God with Us (Matthew 1:18-25)

The name given to Jesus of Immanuel is used 2 times in the Bible—both times during great turmoil. Whether today is a time of turmoil or not, His presence with us shows His care for us in tough times. Immanuel’s promise prompts us to be thankful when we reflect...

Prepare Well (Matthew 11:2-11)

John the Baptist sends his community to Jesus to ask Him if Jesus was the Promised Messiah. John was disappointed in Him—after all, John was in prison. Jesus responded by pointing out His kingdom work, the work that His body, the church, is to continue doing. By Paul...

Come to the New (Matthew 3:1-12)

John the Baptist called all people to reorient their lives by confessing their sin through baptism. Repentance is how we prepare to meet Jesus. Along with repentance of our sin is the responsibility to respond to God’s grace of forgiveness in bearing fruit that...

Get Ready (Matthew 24:42-51)

Jesus tells His followers to get ready for His second coming because it will be unexpected. This “getting ready” doesn’t lead to a passive “waiting” lifestyle, but it directs us to a positive and active life, living by faith in serving God and others. By Paul...

Near to God

Why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer? Listen along as we walk through Psalm 73 with guest preacher Dr. Laura Smit. By Dr. Laura Smit