
The Soils

Mark 4:2-9, 13-20 What Jesus offers far exceeds our wildest expectations. The condition of one’s heart (responding or refusing the gospel of grace) determines the growth of the spiritual seed and the success or failure of the harvest. This talk concluded with a time...

The Gospel

Isaiah 55:1-5 We celebrate our discipleship emphasis over the past 9 months. Our Bible passage says that following God with all our heart is like eating at the best banquet ever. And the banquet is not only for us, but for all who would come and see. View the full...

Let’s Move to the Other Side

Mark 4:35-40 It is important to advance the Kingdom of God in obedience to the Lord. (This talk is in Spanish, with English translation.) View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Robert Kennedy

Risking Realness

Matthew 22:37-40 We were meant to know and love, to be known and be loved. That’s the life to which He has called us—this is what we desperately need. When we shift from just fellowshipping to the risk of being known, we learn to truly love each other. View the full...

Beyond Friendliness

1 Corinthians 13:1-7 Some churches hold that all they need to be is friendly to others. While good, what the church needs to practice is true love. Love is concerned with all aspects of another person, while being friendly keeps interaction at the surface. Loving...