2 Corinthians 3:3 We all love a good story because they move us. We all have a good STORY of the difference Jesus makes to us—those differences happen most often in our brokenness rather than in our time of strength. When we see patterns God has woven in our story, we...
1 Samuel 17: 48 Pursuing our calling to make a difference isn’t easy—it travels uphill. Understanding our PASSION helps us tap into the power source that motivates us to have impact. God’s GPS in us helps us uncover the people we intuitively care about and the causes...
Luke 4:17-18 Our experience of grace and new life through Jesus motivates Jesus’ followers to emulate His servant leadership to seek justice, bring healing, and extend grace and mercy to the various worlds we live in. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By...
1 Peter 1:1-11 God created us to have Him at the center of our lives—this is the way to the full life God offers. Like a premiere athlete focuses every part of life for competing, we focus all aspects of life to follow Jesus completely. We strive to grow not only in...
1 Peter 2:9-10; Romans 12:9-16 God made us for relationship—not the shallow kind but those below the surface. God wants our connection with Him to be defined by love—He’s already done that and keeps doing that. God also wants our relationships with each other to be...