by ahna | Nov 25, 2023 | Potpourri
Psalm 42 Thanksgiving is the day we focus on giving thanks to God. We bless Him for the many good things He has given us–can we also give thanks when we find ourselves in difficult times? View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...
by ahna | Nov 20, 2023 | Jacob
Genesis 31:13; 35:1, 5-7 When God give us direction of a direction—be it a moral choice, a command to obey, a place to live or work or go to school, or a new venture within the kingdom of God—when God gives direction of a specific direction to take, God accomplishes...
by ahna | Nov 13, 2023 | Jacob
Genesis 32:22-32 Jacob wrestled and struggled during his life, first in the womb with Esau and later with God. His conniving was seeking something that only God can give, which God gives freely. God blesses Jacob, gives him a new identity, and through Jacob God’s...
by ahna | Nov 6, 2023 | Jacob
Genesis 28:10-22 At an insignificant place, Jacob encounters God directly in a dream. God promises to fulfill His covenantal promise to Abraham by working through Jacob, and, God promises to care for Jacob wherever he goes. Jacob is assured that he has God’s watchful...
by ahna | Oct 31, 2023 | Jacob
Genesis 25:29-34; 27:5-10 After humanity’s fall in the Garden of Eden, God chose to rescue humanity by focusing on one family to reach the world—the family that would come through Abraham. Through Abraham’s line will come Jesus—the Messiah King. Jacob, Abraham’s...