The Visitations

Luke 1:39-56 God’s great plan of new life should be responded to by incredible joy—spontaneous joy. The ARRIVAL of Mary at Elizabeth’s place brings joy to their home. Jesus does that to people. Elizabeth is blessed by having this Child and being in a relationship to...

The Announcement

Luke 1:26-38 God fulfills His promises in miraculous ways that mystify us. When we are confronted with God’s miraculous and mysterious ways, we need to be obedient and accept God’s coming to us—first, in receiving His Christmas gift of a Savior, and second, with a...

The Preparation

Luke 1:1-25 God is not quiet in working His plan to bring salvation and joy through His people to the world. This is the time that God is at work behind the scenes with Zechariah and Elizabeth. The priest Zechariah was placed in a spot to bear the news that God is at...

Jacob—The Next Generation

Genesis 37:1-11 After humanity’s fall in the Garden of Eden, God rescues humanity by focusing on one family to reach the world—Abraham’s family. Through Abraham’s line will come Jesus—the Messiah King. Jacob, Abraham’s grandson, recipient of that covenant, reaps what...

My Soul Pants for You [Thanksgiving]

Psalm 42 Thanksgiving is the day we focus on giving thanks to God. We bless Him for the many good things He has given us–can we also give thanks when we find ourselves in difficult times? View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...