Genesis 21:8-21 We live in a society that loves to throw people away. But sometimes, one person’s trash turns out to be God’s treasure. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap, executive director of...
Luke 4:17-18 Our experience of grace and new life through Jesus motivates Jesus’ followers to emulate His servant leadership to seek justice, bring healing, and extend grace and mercy to the various worlds we live in. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By...
Matthew 8:18-22 A Jesus follower does not make nor keep a commitment to Him within the confines of our comfort. We don’t ask for security up front, and we can’t follow Jesus in our way. The way of following and connecting deeper with Jesus is done deliberately—Jesus...
Matthew 8:5-13 A Roman military leader came to Jesus not because of belief in Jesus as King, but because he wanted more from life. The centurion saw in Jesus God’s power and asked for Jesus to heal his servant from a distance. This Gentile’s “great faith” prompted...
We are citizens of God’s everlasting kingdom, a growing kingdom of God’s reign. The kingdom of God is not some place that our souls are taken away to when we die, it is, instead, an order that comes to earth—right here among us now, not later. It is a current reign...