Outlier Healing

Outlier Healing

 Matthew 8:5-13 A Roman military leader came to Jesus not because of belief in Jesus as King, but because he wanted more from life. The centurion saw in Jesus God’s power and asked for Jesus to heal his servant from a distance. This Gentile’s “great faith” prompted...
Outlier Healing

God’s Reign Unleashed

We are citizens of God’s everlasting kingdom, a growing kingdom of God’s reign. The kingdom of God is not some place that our souls are taken away to when we die, it is, instead, an order that comes to earth—right here among us now, not later. It is a current reign...
Resurrection Hope

Resurrection Hope

Because Jesus rose from the grave on that first Easter, He assures us that His presence and power will be with us through anything, and also into eternity. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
Resurrection Hope

Good Friday

View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
Resurrection Hope

The Entry

This week is on John 12:12-16. Jesus came into Jerusalem and was given a kingly celebration. Jesus showed the type of king He would be: One who gave His life, One who sacrificed His all. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...