Matthew 9:1-8 Are we willing to suffer and sacrifice for principles that get into our imagination and change us? Always learning and always growing is the longing the church should have. This moves the church to engage with those who are searching, showing how...
This week is on Deuteronomy 8:1-3 and Matthew 4:1-4. In Jesus’ first temptation that wants Jesus to be self-promoting, Jesus shows us that we have no need to try to impress others with any personal adornments because our true identity is by being a child of God. True...
This week is on Genesis 45:4-7. Being long suffering is the exact opposite as impatience. Impatience and following Jesus don’t go together. Being long suffering is more than being patient with circumstances, but especially being patient with others. By Pastor Paul...
This week is on Acts 9:19-30. Barnabas put his whole reputation on the line to be there for Saul, who changed from Christian persecutor to Christ follower. Barnabas engaged with Saul having no expectation in return. Barnabas stood up as Saul’s advocate and then helped...
This week is on 2 Samuel 9. In King David’s relationship with Mephibosheth we see David caring when Mephibosheth, Jonathon’s son, had nothing to give him in return. Kindness goes to those undeserving; caring for others is about fulfilling our promises to God to show a...