A Church of Grace

A Church of Grace

Luke 15:1-2, 11-32 God’s love for others spans the huge spectrum of people on all levels. It reaches to the younger brother, the older brother, and to us. We reflect this love to those who know their brokenness shows they need God, and those who believe their goodness...
Hope for God’s Holy People

Hope for God’s Holy People

Ephesians 1:1-10, 22-23 Ordinary followers of Jesus struggle to hope in a world like ours, but God gives us the grace to have resilient hope. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Evan Tinklenberg
A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess

 Matthew 9:9-13 Jesus invited people (especially those we think would we unlikely people) to come just as they were to follow Him. He accepted them and led them in a ministry in which they would accept others as they are. Jesus accepts us as we are, but His love will...
A Beautiful Mess

Grace for All Things

 Matthew 9:1-8 The power of God’s reign through Jesus is driven by compassion. The scope of God’s reign is not just in our bodies, to make us whole, but in our souls as well for Jesus offers complete forgiveness. Jesus longs to lift our burdens, carry our pains, and...