Luke 22:39-53 The emotional anguish of Jesus portrays the full suffering He endured and also was still to come. The garden, Gethsemane, the place of the olive press, is a picture of how Jesus would be severely pressed. Because of Jesus we can face the certainty of...
Luke 19: 1-10 This week’s talk is brought by Pastor Kevin Schutte from Olathe, Kansas, but who considers Discovery his home church. Curiosity flows from a life of love devoted to God and neighbor. As Ted Lasso famously quoted in the popular TV show, “Be...
Luke 18:18-30 Money, like other false gods, has the power to be our complete hope, meaning, and identity. In the story of the 2 rich young rulers, we see that a deepening knowledge and faith in the sacrifice of Jesus for us makes us more willing to give generously. In...
Matthew 28:18-19 Most of us want to know what our divine purpose and calling is on this earth. We want that “strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence” (Webster on ‘calling’). The Holy...
2 Corinthians 3:3 We all love a good story because they move us. We all have a good STORY of the difference Jesus makes to us—those differences happen most often in our brokenness rather than in our time of strength. When we see patterns God has woven in our story, we...