God’s V-Day: The Second Coming of Jesus

John 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:50-58 In the second coming of Jesus, the church is inseparably linked with the victory of Jesus: in salvation, resurrection, and the restoration of all things. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Tim...

God’s Supermodel: Higher Thoughts of Jesus

Acts 1:1-8; Matthew 24:14 Every fully surrendered disciple of Jesus to his Lordship can experience the greatest prophet’s greatest prophecy about Jesus. 50 Commands of Christ (mentioned at the beginning) View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Tim...

God’s Supermodel: Higher Ways of Jesus

Hebrews 1:1-3; John 1:3, 10; Matthew 9:35-38 Every Christian can become a disciple-maker that Jesus relies on by multiplying generationally the content of the Commission. View the full service on our YouTube channel. We had some glitching this week; apologies for the...