Psalm 63:3; 1:2; John 6:48-50; Hebrews 4:12 The Bible was given so that our lives would be changed, not simply providing staff of information to fill our head. By taking time to ruminate and reflect on God’s word, His word shapes our life as it draws us deeper in...
Matthew 6:16-18; Luke 4:1-4 Disciplines are a way to make the soil of our heart good ground for the seed of intimacy with God to grow richly. Fasting reminds us to keep coming to God all day long. The reason for hunger pains is to focus our attention on God. If we...
Eccle. 3:7, 5:1; Luke 6:12; Mt. 12:8-14 Everything in life is to be directed by Jesus. Jesus is the Bright Morning Star that charts the course for your life. God has blessed us with the gifts of solitude and Sabbath, not to escape from this world, but to help orient...
1 John 5:14-15 We were created for relationship. We flourish when we are growing in our relationship with God and deepening relationships with others. This series looks at the ways God uses to deepen our connection with Him and others. Prayer stands out as the...
Ephesians 1:1-10, 22-23 Ordinary followers of Jesus struggle to hope in a world like ours, but God gives us the grace to have resilient hope. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Evan Tinklenberg
Luke 4:17-18 Our experience of grace and new life through Jesus motivates Jesus’ followers to emulate His servant leadership to seek justice, bring healing, and extend grace and mercy to the various worlds we live in. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By...