
Fully Faithful

Hebrews 3 In Christ we have a calling to persevere against unbelief. Throughout Israel’s history, the repetitive behavioral pattern of chasing after other gods and forgetting the promises of God is a prominent theme. Through Christ, our hearts of stone can become...

Fully Human

Hebrews 2:9-18 All Christ has done for us took place because He became one of us to save from ourselves and transform us to be like Him. In Jesus, God is showing us what it is like to be fully human as Jesus wears our skin without our sin. View the full service on our...

The Supremacy of Jesus

Hebrews 1:1-4 The Living Jesus is all we need to find fulfillment in our lives. Jesus is Father God’s full and final picture of what He wants to reveal about Himself to us. In these opening verses, 9 snapshots of Jesus are given to launch us into seeing His greatness...