
Naaman (2 Kings 5:11-19)

Naaman was a powerful Gentile who sought out Elisha to heal him of his leprosy. Elisha’s response was for Naaman to do a humble act and be dunked in the dirty Jordan River seven times. At first he refuses, then concedes, and is healed. He becomes a follower of the...

The Lepers (2 Kings 7:1-9)

Four lepers, the outcasts of their city, were forgotten as they sat outside the besieged city’s wall. Only one person knew what God was going to do to rescue His people trapped inside—through those four. The lepers did the only thing they could do—go to the enemy...

The River (2 Kings 2:7-15)

Seminary Intern KJ Pyeon On Elijah’s final day, the fifty men of the company of the prophets come to Elijah. They adore the great prophet Elijah, and they might want to participate in the last moment of Elijah. However, they stand and watch at a distance. Only Elisha,...

The Fire (1 Kings 19:19-21)

Elisha’s day started like every farmer’s day back then. But when Elijah comes to call him to ministry, Elisha understands the implications. He bids his family goodbye then sets his past on fire. He slaughters his oxen and using his wooden plows makes a sacrifice to...

The Arrows (2 Kings 13:10-11, 14-20)

On Elijah’s final day, the fifty men of the company of the prophets come to Elijah. They adore the great prophet Elijah, and they might want to participate in the last moment of Elijah. However, they stand and watch at a distance. Only Elisha, who seeks a double...