This week is on Mark 5:21-24, 35-43. We might think of a soft person as being mild or meek, but definitely not a leader, but it is—Jesus is gentle of heart. So am I thoughtful, calm, and considerate in my dealings with others? Do I treat people like fine china? By...
This begins a new series called Befriend: The Art of Hospitality Being a devoted follower of Jesus is about taking what we know and are learning and applying it to our daily life. This series takes a look at how a disciple of Jesus responds and initiate’s the...
Psalm 19 Psalm 19 is an ancient and beautiful hymn that calls us to pay attention to the world around us in all its beauty as the beloved creation of a loving God. We’ll spend some time reflecting on what this psalm means for us today, and how we can more faithfully...
Mark 1:1-13 Jesus’ first advent was to form a new humanity, a redeemed people. While we want the “niceness” of Christmas to last, this Nativity account shows the reality of the fierce challenges and evil’s opposition that face Jesus’ mission. Our Savior has overcome...
Micah 5:1-6 God has sent our Savior and Shepherd to be born in Bethlehem. The promise of His coming is given at a time full of problems and heart aches. Yet, His coming is the light that not only pushed back the spiritual darkness when He was born in Bethlehem, His...