Jesus Arrested in Gethsemane

Jesus Arrested in Gethsemane

Luke 22:39-53 The emotional anguish of Jesus portrays the full suffering He endured and also was still to come. The garden, Gethsemane, the place of the olive press, is a picture of how Jesus would be severely pressed. Because of Jesus we can face the certainty of...
Jesus Arrested in Gethsemane

The Last Supper

Mark 14:12-31 In his last meal with his disciples, Jesus offers his body and blood despite imminent betrayal and rejection. Because this is who Jesus is, we can trust that he will nourish our faith, forgive our failures to trust in him, and restore us finally and...
Jesus Arrested in Gethsemane

Jesus Anointed at Bethany

Mark 14:1-11 Has the Holy Spirit ever nudged you to do something extravagant and sacrificial and maybe, by the eyes of the world, crazy? Jesus praises Mary for anointing Him with oil, despite the outcry from His disciples who thought it was a waste. View the full...
Jesus Arrested in Gethsemane

Entering Jerusalem

Luke 19:29-40 God’s way of rescuing humanity goes totally against the grain of how people want God to do rescue. God’s plan was so amazing and so brilliant, humankind had nothing to do with it. On Jesus’ final entry into Jerusalem, God gave a picture of the way He was...