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All talks are also available on the “Discovery Church: Grand Rapids” podcast, which can be found on Acast, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube Music (formerly Google Podcasts), and many other podcasting services.
How to Read the Bible (Part 3)
Matthew 5:17-20 Jesus came to fulfill the commands of God. He shows us the true intent and reveals the proper meaning of God’s Word. He did not misinterpret or undermine God’s Word, but showed how to really live it out, in a way more God glorifying than the Pharisees did. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
How to Read the Bible (Part 2)
Luke 1:1-4; 24:25-32 There is nothing more foundation in how you live as a Christian than your view of the Bible. Many say that the Bible, while good, is mostly fables and accepted lies. But in truth, the Bible is totally reliable, an authority in all that it teaches. The truth found in the Bible points to a certain Man who wants to impact all of our hearts. View the full service on our YouTube...
The Chosen Heals
John 4:43-54 Jesus brought in the Kingdom of God to bring restoration, healing, and grace to a broken world. All He asks for is faith—even when we have fears and doubts, and even when true faith can’t be 100% proved. Come to him, yield to His terms, then tell others how Jesus provided. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
The Chosen at the Wedding Feast
John 2:1-11 Because Jesus loves us so much, He cares about our big needs and everyday needs, especially our relationships with each other. Jesus’ healing power can transform relationships for He wants His blessing to be on even the most intimate of interactions. When we invite Jesus to enter our relationships, He does the miraculous. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...
Living the Bible
2 Peter 1:12-20 The Bible is truthful and reliable. We can believe this but not live it out—the Bible should guide the way we think, act, and live. The way of the Bible is for our and our neighbor’s good— living its ways out leads to life and fullness. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
How to Read the Bible {Part 1}
2 Timothy 3:16-17 The Bible is not just a collection of stories but God’s great big story of His love for the world and for us. We read the Bible because it is given by God (God’s very word) and it helps us see God’s desire for us in His big plan for the world. In our group time we’ll hear how God’s Old Testament is God’s story of blessing the people of the world through one person’s family....
Growing a Harvest
Isaiah 5:1-2 God refers to the growth of His people as the growth of a vineyard. He expects a harvest. This year we will focus on building the harvest of discipleship—being grounded, growing, and going. Using Isaiah 5, we’ll look ahead to ways that we as a faith community will grow in Him and with each other, bringing about the harvest God desires. View the full service on our YouTube channel....
The Good News of the King and His Kingdom
Matthew 4:17 Who are the people of the King and how they are to live in his Kingdom? View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Rev. Kevin Schutte
Home for Christmas
John 1:1-14 The human heart longs for home, especially at Christmas. Home is not just a sentiment or locale, but where we belong…deeply. Jesus came, the Word made flesh, to bring us to His home—His presence. He came to make a temporary home with us, pitching His tent on earth, that He might lead us to our real and eternal home—to be with Father God, for He calls us His children. The home of our...
The Turmoil and Travels of Jesus
Matthew 2:13-23 Fooled by the magi, King Herod immediately sets out to kill the child-king, who is the true King of All. Jesus turns into a refugee as the family flees to Egypt as instructed by God. In Egypt, Jesus embodies a second exodus where God's deliverance is brought about by the God-man Jesus. After Herod's death, God leads them to little Nazareth in Galilee, a place that speaks of the...
Magi… In the Shadow of Herod
Matthew 2:1-12 Surprise! Foreigners (magi) come into the nativity story to affirm the kingship of Jesus for the nations by the gifts these Gentiles brought—gifts that shout, “King!” They followed the star, which had kingly connotations. The magi came across 2 kings—the real King of the Jews and a self-proclaimed wicked king. Israel was already in turmoil because of Herod, whose political...
The Birth of Immanuel
Matthew 1:18-25 From what should be a picture perfect courtship, there is trouble in paradise—Mary the engaged is pregnant. Joseph, the husband to be, is told in a dream by God that this is not a nightmare but the moving of God to be near people by the birth of His Son in Mary. Joseph accepts what God is doing, marries Mary, and adopts Jesus as his legal heir. God’s voice, the centerpiece of the...
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