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All talks are also available on the “Discovery Church: Grand Rapids” podcast, which can be found on Acast, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube Music (formerly Google Podcasts), and many other podcasting services.
The Good News of the King and His Kingdom
Matthew 4:17 Who are the people of the King and how they are to live in his Kingdom? View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Rev. Kevin Schutte
Home for Christmas
John 1:1-14 The human heart longs for home, especially at Christmas. Home is not just a sentiment or locale, but where we belong…deeply. Jesus came, the Word made flesh, to bring us to His home—His presence. He came to make a temporary home with us, pitching His tent on earth, that He might lead us to our real and eternal home—to be with Father God, for He calls us His children. The home of our...
The Turmoil and Travels of Jesus
Matthew 2:13-23 Fooled by the magi, King Herod immediately sets out to kill the child-king, who is the true King of All. Jesus turns into a refugee as the family flees to Egypt as instructed by God. In Egypt, Jesus embodies a second exodus where God's deliverance is brought about by the God-man Jesus. After Herod's death, God leads them to little Nazareth in Galilee, a place that speaks of the...
Magi… In the Shadow of Herod
Matthew 2:1-12 Surprise! Foreigners (magi) come into the nativity story to affirm the kingship of Jesus for the nations by the gifts these Gentiles brought—gifts that shout, “King!” They followed the star, which had kingly connotations. The magi came across 2 kings—the real King of the Jews and a self-proclaimed wicked king. Israel was already in turmoil because of Herod, whose political...
The Birth of Immanuel
Matthew 1:18-25 From what should be a picture perfect courtship, there is trouble in paradise—Mary the engaged is pregnant. Joseph, the husband to be, is told in a dream by God that this is not a nightmare but the moving of God to be near people by the birth of His Son in Mary. Joseph accepts what God is doing, marries Mary, and adopts Jesus as his legal heir. God’s voice, the centerpiece of the...
Jesus’ Family Tree
Matthew 1:1-17 Matthew writes that Jesus shot out of the finest heritage that any Jew could have. An offspring of Abraham, whose line was to be a blessing to the nations—and an offspring of David, whose line was to be king of Israel and the nations. And along the way, there are some skeletons hiding in the family tree, done to show that God is a sovereign God, fully in control and graciously...
Matthew 6:19-34 Money and possessions can easily gain power over us. Money has this power because it is sly and deceptive so you can be greedy and not know it when we compare ourselves to others. It is the unwavering trust in God alone that sets us free from power earthly treasures have over us so we can build up treasures that matter. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...
Generosity in Tough Times
Habakkuk 3:17-19; Deuteronomy 26:1-11 It’s possible to have joy even when things in life are going wrong. When God is center in our lives, we always give Him our best, which is the principle of the Old Testament “Firstfruits.” So when God is first in our lives, even in the toughest of economic times we are able to give sacrificially, joyfully, and graciously. View the full service on our YouTube...
The Force of Generosity
2 Corinthians 8:8-15; 9:6-12 The Corinth church was well off and Paul was trying to raise a collection for the poor church in Jerusalem. Paul wants them to want to give generously but they seem unwilling from their heart to do so. Giving comes from joy that flows from a loving heart that has been surrendered to God. God takes our heart and helps us to see blessings that come when we join with...
Love the Differences
Matthew 8:1-13 We are people divided in our hearts, in our allegiances, in everything besides Jesus. We typically feel most comfortable among people who are similar to us—it shows who we are. By connecting with two people who are on the extreme outside, Jesus shows that differences do not necessitate division. He enfolds them with empathy and love, and we should do the same. View the full...
Accept One Another
Romans 15:1-9 The Bible portrays the church as a diverse community that live thick lives together. This can be rather messy, but very possible. Living together as God’s family involves bearing with one another, carrying the burdens of others by caring and coming alongside them, even when there are times we are not in agreement on how the gospel is to be lived out. View the full service on our...
Love Across Differences
Acts 8:26-40 Our society is highly polarized, especially with political differences. Humans are good at division. Philip and an Ethiopian, who are so different, connect deeply for no other reason than that God is up to something. God, through the work of his Son Jesus, is reconciling people. The book of Acts is God creating a new humanity, a redeemed humanity, one that brings diverse people...
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