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All talks are also available on the “Discovery Church: Grand Rapids” podcast, which can be found on Acast, Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube Music (formerly Google Podcasts), and many other podcasting services.
Fully Better
Hebrews 8:1-13 Because of Jesus, we have access to what is better than what this world has to offer. Being the better high priest and offering a better sacrifice, we have access to a better life, a life that has its totality in Jesus. Why would we go back to anything that is inferior? View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
Resurrection Day
Mark 16:1-8 The resurrection of Jesus is so profound, such a pivotal point in history, that because of it, everything is different. Because Jesus rose from the dead, He offers us a fresh start as He has the power to change everything. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
The Lamb of God
Exodus 12:1-6; John 1:29-31 At different times in our lives, we all need some sort of rescue. To “be saved” is to “be rescued.” The stories and ceremonies within the Old Testament all point towards the One and the way that Father God would provide rescue—through His selected Lamb. We are saved by the blood of the Lamb. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul...
Fully Sufficient
Hebrews 6:20-7:5, 9-10, 20-27 Just as we need mediators in many parts of our lives, we need a spiritual mediator to be the go-between between us and God. In Old Testament times, God provided the High Priest. Now, Jesus is the only High Priest we need to mediate on our behalf before God. He is the only One who clicks all the boxes of what is needed in a spiritual mediator. View the full service...
Fully Anchored
Hebrews 6:1a, 4-8, 12-20 Jesus has become the guarantor of a better covenant. Fulfilling the requirements of every priest that ever existed, Jesus became the high priest (the one who offers the sacrifice), the altar (where the sacrifice is made), and the sacrifice (the actual offering) once and for all, for us. He is solid and stable, never moving, so on Him we can place our anchor. View the...
The Royal Priests in Eden
Bible Project video Adam and Eve, our first parents, were made in God’s image. As God’s image bearers, they represented God to all of creation, working and worshipping in the Garden, embodying God’s heavenly wisdom and rule on Earth. They were like priests in the Garden, where God’s holy presence resided. Though Adam and Eve were deceived and fell into sin, God’s mission is to redeem humanity by...
Fully Qualified
Hebrews 4:14-5:10 The role of the High Priest was to be the highest representative of God to His people, and God’s people to God. Because of this, the qualifications of the High Priest were high. Jesus fulfilled all the human qualifications of being a High Priest, but more than that, He was appointed as Father God. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
Our High Priest in Heaven
Hebrews 4:12-16 The word of God cuts us to the core and lays us bare before our judge. But in Jesus Christ we have a great high priest who has brought our humanity into heaven and represents us before the Father, so we may approach his throne in confidence. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Matthew Wright
Fully Faithful
Hebrews 3 In Christ we have a calling to persevere against unbelief. Throughout Israel’s history, the repetitive behavioral pattern of chasing after other gods and forgetting the promises of God is a prominent theme. Through Christ, our hearts of stone can become hearts of flesh—being in communion with Him, and in community with others, to press against the hardening of heart and unbelief. View...
The Lament of Jabez
1 Chronicles 4:9-10 Rev. Peter Gordon shares the work of Jabez Ministries and inspires us to include people with disabilities in leadership and ministry. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By guest preacher Rev. Peter Gordon
Fully Human
Hebrews 2:9-18 All Christ has done for us took place because He became one of us to save from ourselves and transform us to be like Him. In Jesus, God is showing us what it is like to be fully human as Jesus wears our skin without our sin. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
The Supremacy of Jesus
Hebrews 1:1-4 The Living Jesus is all we need to find fulfillment in our lives. Jesus is Father God’s full and final picture of what He wants to reveal about Himself to us. In these opening verses, 9 snapshots of Jesus are given to launch us into seeing His greatness in the rest of this Bible book. View the full service on our YouTube channel. By Pastor Paul Sausser
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